Friday, May 17, 2024

Intune - Useful Entra-AD (Azure AD) Group Dynamic Queries

 Intune - Software Updates Deployment Ring 2
A random selection of aproximately 10% of the Windows devices in the environment

(device.deviceManagementAppId -eq "0000000a-0000-0000-c000-000000000000") and (device.deviceTrustType -eq "ServerAD") and (device.deviceOwnership -contains "Company") and (device.deviceOSType -eq "Windows") and (device.objectId -match ".{32}(2|3|b).{3}")

Intune - All Corporately Owned Windows Devices
All Windows devices that are joined to either Entra-AD or On-Prem AD and are corporately owned

(device.deviceOSType -eq "Windows") and ((device.deviceTrustType -eq "ServerAd") or (device.deviceTrustType -eq "AzureAd")) and (device.deviceOwnership -eq "Company")


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