Thursday, February 5, 2015


Whoot! I'm the first one to post on this blog!!!

Heh, ok, seriously I just thought that I should at least write a post as to why I decided to start a blog. I often find myself having technical solutions that it seems like nobody else has. I don't necessarily claim original thought credit for these solutions, but usually when I go to try to locate them on the Internet again I have a difficult time finding them.

Anyone who knows me can tell you that I have a pretty broad knowledge of just about any Microsoft product that runs on a Microsoft server. They will also tell you that I'm a fount of esoteric knowledge on these products. Little tips and tricks that I've picked up in my over 20 years dealing with Windows servers. Well, in that 20 years a lot of the original documents that I referenced to learn what I know have been deleted or lost in the depths of the Internet. My blog will also, most likely, be lost in the great garbage gyre of the Internet and be of no use to anyone save those who know me personally, but at least I can retain some of these computer ninja tricks for them at least. And... the biggest reason... to preserve them for myself so that I can find these things again when I need them.

So, mostly for myself and somewhat for my personal friends and acquaintences, I will begin to record various items that have become near impossible to find anymore. The Internet has become less a place to find answers and more a place to find a whole lot of people asking the same question that you are. Hopefully, here on my blog, some answers can be found once in a while and I can at least leave that itty-bitty positive mark on the Internet.

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